Saturday, March 19, 2016

Unique Mixed Media Portraits by Geri G. Taylor

For many years, I've been trying to find my own style of art.

I've always loved drawing faces but leaned towards a more "caricature" style versus realism.

Experimenting with a combination of my original pencil sketch combined with editing software, I came up with this mixed media portrait.

Now I'm accepting commissions on my one of kind portraits.

For more information about me and my art, check out my webpage at

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Aspiring TV Writer & Screenwriter Blog: How to write script coverage

I'm considering a new career:

The Aspiring TV Writer & Screenwriter Blog: How to write script coverage: Andrew asked about writing coverage. Script coverage is a report that includes a synopsis, comments and rating of a script. I find people ...

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Special THANKS for Reading THE KITCHEN DANCE by Geri G. Taylor

I want to thank all my friends, family, fellow authors, and readers who have supported me on my first novel, The Kitchen Dance.

I just received the rights back from Melange Books, LLC, and, at this time, the Kindle version is no longer available on Amazon but the ebook can still be purchased directly from me for $2.99 (via PayPal) in a mobi file that can be read on a Kindle.

Plus, I still have paperback copies for $14.95 (via PayPal) that I will personalize and autograph.

Also, you can still find good deals on used books on Amazon as low as $4.75 (including S&H)!

I appreciate you reading my book and I sincerely hope that you enjoy it and find it entertaining. If so, please take a few moments to share your opinion on Amazon and, if you are a member, Goodreads or other sites you like to visit.

If you haven’t visited my website at, please do so, and watch my book trailer. Also, if you haven’t already done se, please visit and “LIKE” my Facebook page for The Kitchen Dance. Feel free to post an encouraging comment. :D

I enjoyed writing this book, but the promoting can be overwhelming. This why it is so wonderful when readers like you spread the word.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bouquet Enterprises Timeless Collectible Santa "Jule Nissen" by Jena Hall Gets a REDUX!

Check out my original post at: And if you love collecting or crafting Santas, be sure to follow my blog!

As the holiday rolls around, I will be posting more stories and reduxing more Santas!

365 Days of Santa Claus: Joseph, The Gift Giver. A Very Special Santa Claus...

Since I have more followers on this blog and this Santa is an example of my all consuming creativity...I wanted to add this link and share my recent post with my other readers. Please read and follow if you love collecting and crafting Santas as much as I do!

365 Days of Santa Claus: Joseph, The Gift Giver. A Very Special Santa Claus...: I just love this Santa! Although, I really don't him "Santa" I call him "Joseph, The Gift Giver" because every ti...

Thursday, October 15, 2015

How to Turn a Hobby Lobby Plush Bear into a Stylized Antique Steiff Bear

Last year I wrote a blog about creating your own A Simple Way to Make Your Own Heirloom Santa and other posts on how to add goodies to your Santa Claus figures to make them your own Heirloom Santa. 

I'm on the hunt year round for little toys, wreaths, trees, and ornaments that will add to my Santa's stash and I try to find ways to make them more personalized as in the case of this Hobby Lobby craft bear.
He's only about 4' tall and originally cost $3.97. 

I actually picked him up for 55 cents at my favorite place Rolling Hills Ministries.
He's quite a fuzzy mess with no details. He looks more like a baby wookie than bear!
So...I took a pair of scissors and gave him a little trim.

And this is how to make a craft store bear look like a well loved antique Steiff bear.

Or close enough...

I use hair cutting scissors (shears) that I picked up at Walmart. 

This isn't the first time I've trimmed down a teddy. If fact, I usually trim them around the eys and the top of the nose to make their eyes more visible and give him some personality.

The bear isn't changing color, that was the lighting in my kitchen.

But you can see the vintage, well-loved, personality coming out.
I accidentally pulled off one of the arms...but it popped back into place. It would have been much easier to trim if ALL the appendages had come off that easily, but they didn't and I did not want to risk breaking on of them.

I just want to make a note here that I snipped the fur over a plastic bag so the mess would not be as...well...messy!

Several snips later, I was done (this one took me about 30 minutes)...
I tied on a bow and added him to one of my own Heirloom Santas!
This is a 15" tall Santa I found on eBay. He is handcrafted with a sculpted face, rabbit fur trim, and a mohair beard attached in strands. He came with nothing so I am enjoying this opportunity to start fresh and I think my trimmed down teddy is just the place to start.
I also added a special pewter millennium ornament that is too heavy for my other Santas to hold. 

This guy was constructed on some seriously strong wire so his arm is sturdy enough to hold the ornament. He is sitting on an antique tapestry doily layered over a vintage linen Battenburg doily that I picked up at an estate sale.

I also have a small silver pocket watch I want to add to him. He's the only Santa that already has silver accents. Most of my other Santas have gold.
Just some fun ideas to make your favorite Santa Claus figures even more special.