I just love the chain-reaction of life and how, for example, my entering my book, The Kitchen Dance, in MARSocial Author of the Year Competition introduced me to Karynne Summars (the winner) and by interviewing her for my blog, The Delete Key, I found out she was a fashion model and contributing writer for PopImressKA Journal (which stands Popular Impressive Kaleidoscope), a magazine featuring wonderful articles on all things wonderfully artistic, created by Olga Papkovitch, which is how, by Olga liking a link about my blogpost on Karynne's books Desperate Pursuit in Venice and her upcoming release, Desperate Pursuit in Rio De Janeiro, we became Facebook friends.
Then Googling PopImpressKA, I found this shawl and much, much more!
Then I found this YouTube video featuring another version of this elegant design.
Olga is a fabulous woman, and for her, the sky's the limit with her pay it forward creed and the support she generates for her causes. PopImpressKA Journal is her brainchild and her pop art outreach is a journey all it's own comprised of many inspiring and unifying chain reactions!
So start a chain reaction of your own and follow some of these great links!
For more about Olga Papkovitch:

Okay, ladies!
I know how you love designer handbags!
Designed to compliment EVERYTHING, this line is simply amazing!
The origami design of one skirt is so incredible chic!

Like I said, I love scarves!
This one is one of my favorites, it was a gift from the cast of "Dial M for Murder" that I directed with Ruston Community Theatre.
If anyone is looking for the perfect gift for me...
I'd like a 6' scarf by Olga!